Our Governance

Every day, Breast Cancer Ireland seeks to change the landscape positively for those diagnosed with this disease. We aim to transform breast cancer from sometimes being a fatal disease (with 730 deaths annually) into a treatable illness for all.
Your generous donations can be seen in action across Ireland, transforming lives, providing greater awareness levels and increasing the speed of research discovery output so as to affect better treatment options for patients diagnosed.
We know that none of what we do would be possible without the trust and generosity of you, our supporters, fundraisers, volunteers and ambassadors. Annually we raise on average €3m from the general public.
It is because of your trust and generosity that we uphold our commitment to ensure good governance, compliance and transparency in everything that we do. We are fully compliant with all legal and regulatory requirements and our accounts are audited and available on our website for all to see.
We are signed up to the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising which was developed by the Irish Charities Tax Reform Group (ICTR), and we are also signed up to the Governance Code – a Code of Practice for Good Governance of Community, Voluntary and Charitable Organisations in Ireland www.governancecode.ie of which we are 100% compliant. We fully welcome the new governance code in 2020 as set out by the charities regulator.
We are very proud to be one of the 72 charities in Ireland awarded the Triple Lock accreditation and we will endeavor to continue maximizing our impact for the communities we serve with trust, integrity and transparency
With many thanks
Breast Cancer Ireland Constitution
Breast Cancer Ireland are committed to maintaining the highest standards of governance to ensure full transparency in how we operate. We are fully compliant with all relevant Irish charity legislation and regulatory frameworks.
Our governance journey to date, we are:
- Fully compliant with the Governance Code for Community, Voluntary and Charitable Organisations, and are currently migrating towards the Charities Governance Code as set out by the Charities Regulator in 2018.
- Signed up to the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations Fundraising from the Public.
- We have adopted the use of Charities SORP (FRS102) in our financial statements.
- We fully embrace the work of the Charities Regulatory Authority.
- Breast Cancer Ireland are members of the Charities Institute of Ireland and The Wheel.
Our governance journey to date, we are: