Research discovery is the
reason we have more
time together

the facts

new female cases of breast cancer diagnosed annually

Women affected

1 in 7 women will be diagnosed in their lifetime

1 in 728 men will be diagnosed in their lifetime

age of diagnoses

15 – 44 YEARS


45 – 54 YEARS


55 – 64 YEARS


65 – 74 YEARS




Only 5-10% of breast cancer are hereditary

Research Breast Cancer Ireland


We are getting closer to realizing our vision of transforming this disease into a treatable long term illness that can be maintained.

Survival Rates
Mortality Rates
Less Patients
Educations & Awareness

education & awareness

Educating women and young girls about the importance of good breast health is key to early detection and better treatment outcomes. BCI, with the support of Cornmarket Group Financial Services, the INTO fund and UPMC Hillman Cancer Centre :

Breast Health
Outreach Coordinators

In a twelve-month period in 2023 the team met with 35,000 women and young girls across Ireland and as a result 4 new cases of breast cancer were diagnosed early

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fundraising impact

Since Breast Cancer Ireland was established in 2012, over €23 million has been raised to support:

Breast Health

Specialist breast cancer research nurses who collaborate and collate patient tissue and serum samples into one large national bio bank. Clinicians and scientists in Ireland can now avail of these, thereby speeding up discovery times.

Breast Health

Investment in International Clinical Trials

Breast Health

Investment in a state of the art Clinical Research Centre

Breast Health

Designated Fellowship & Scholarship

Breast Health

Investment in state of the art radiotherapy equipment

Breast Health

The creation & support of our complimentary Education & Awareness Programme