Associate Professor Leonie Young

Dr Leonie Young
Associate Professor
The Endocrine Oncology Research Group is lead by Dr Leonie Young and is based at York House, RCSI, St Stephen’s Green, Dublin. Dr Young graduated from Trinity College Dublin and completed her Ph.D. training at University College Dublin in 1997. Since 2001, she has lead the breast cancer research group and has published a number of papers in international peer-reviewed scientific journals. Dr Young has also secured important grant funding, most notably (in 2008) a Science Foundation Ireland Principal Investigator Programme Award. Dr Young also has numerous breast cancer researchers on her team. Please see below for the list of current breast cancer researchers.
Post-Doctoral Fellows
Dr Marie McIlroy
Dr Christopher Byrne
Dr Jean McBryan
Post-Graduate Researchers
Fiona Bane
Sinead Cocchiglia
Jane O’Hara
Sarah Theissen
Claire Walshe
Eamon Hughes
Katie O’Brien
Damir Vareslija
Damian McCartan
Wael Shabo
Catherine de Blacam
Gemma Solon