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S2 – Episode 7 – Meet Rhonda Richardson and Dr Reem Salman

Rhonda Richardson’s grandmother and her three aunts all had breast cancer and so she had been attending a breast screening clinic since the age of 33 but sadly at the age of 45 Rhonda herself was diagnosed with breast cancer. In this episode of More Than A Lump podcast, Aisling speaks with Rhonda about her diagnosis and treatment and the decisions she her sisters took, following their positive screening for the BRCA2 gene. Aisling is joined by Dr Reem Salman, Consultant Breast Surgeon and a member of the Family Risk Assessment Clinic team at the recently opened Breast Centre on the Beaumont Hospital Campus, Dublin to talk about the very important subject of breast cancer genetics and family history.

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S2 – Episode 6 – Meet Jennifer Rock, Yinka Martin and Valerie Murphy

Over the past fifteen episodes of More Than A Lump we have covered a range of topics, sharing personal stories and covering many of the various challenges that a breast cancer diagnosis can present for women. In this episode, called Beauty Beyond Breast Cancer, Aisling takes a different approach. Through her conversation with Jennifer Rock, AKA The Skin Nerd, Yinka Martin founder of Hairweavon and Valerie Murphy of Valerie’s Breast Care, three women who provide products, services and expertise to those diagnosed in the area of skin, hair, and bra fitting, we hear how the beauty industry and importantly how feeling beautiful, and like one’s self, during and beyond treatment, is so vital. Aisling chats to Jennifer, Yinka and Valerie about their own interactions with those diagnosed over many years, as well as advancements in the products and services they provide. We hope you find this episode helpful.

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S2 – Episode 5 – Meet Sorcha Lavelle

Sorcha Lavelle was just 22 years of age when, following a routine visit to her GP, she was diagnosed with an aggressive breast cancer that had spread to her lymph nodes. She admits she wasn’t breast aware and thought the small lump on her left breast – which was about the size of a pea – was almost not worthy of a mention. Fortunately for Sorcha, she did mention the lump and her diagnosis, while shocking, was quick and her outcome more positive than if she has not brought it to her doctor’s attention when she did. In this episode, Sorcha talks to Aisling about what it means to her, to her family and her friends to receive a diagnosis of breast cancer so young and why she believes that the misconception that breast cancer is a disease of older women needs to be spoken about. Sorcha is passionate about telling younger women, in particular, to look out for the signs and symptoms of breast cancer and to know their normal.

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S2 – Episode 4 – Meet Madeline McCoole and Amanda Le Quesne

Madeleine McCoole first discovered a lump on her right breast in the shower. She didn’t think much of it but when, a few weeks later, she ended up in her GP’s surgery with her son, for another reason, she decided to mention it. Three weeks later, she was diagnosed with a grade three tumour. Like many impacted by a breast cancer diagnosis, the mother of two from Carrigaline, Co Cork, has been inspired to share her story in the hope of raising awareness and helping to ensure others, like her, detect their cancer early. Madeline is joined by Amanda LeQuesne, a counsellor with Purple House, a community-based cancer support centre in Bray, Co Wicklow. Everyone’s breast cancer journey is different but this episode explores some practices and techniques that might help those diagnosed deal with the initial shock and it offers advice to help work through some of the psychological challenges along the way.

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S2 – Episode 3 – Meet Denise Ashe and Orla Walsh

At the age of 36, Denise Ashe was diagnosed with Triple-Negative Breast Cancer. Although an enormous shock, from the start Denise was determined that cancer was not going to hold her back from living her best life. Registration for this year’s Great Pink Run is now open and in this episode Denise chats to Aisling about how exercise and running have played a big role in her recovery. Denise is joined by nutritionist Orla Walsh. Orla kindly provided BCI with a set of nutritional tips to help prepare for the event and in this episode she discusses these and other dietary questions and concerns those diagnosed may have. The Great Pink Run takes place in Dublin’s Leopardstown racecourse and surrounding areas on October 9th, with a second event taking place in Kilkenny a week later on October 16th. If you can’t make the events in Dublin or Kilkenny, you can take part in a virtual sense between the 9th and 16th. To register go to

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S2 – Episode 2 – Steve Kelly and Jamie Crawford

A breast cancer diagnosis effects everyone in the family not just the person diagnosed. In this episode, BCI CEO Aisling Hurley chats with two husbands, Steve Kelly and Jamie Crawford. Steve is married to Tanya and Jamie to Georgie. Both men have travelled with their wives along their breast cancer journeys and their paths to recovery. One in nine women will develop breast cancer in the course of their lifetime yet there is very little information available for partners. This episode of More Than A Lump attempts to spotlight on a partner’s perspective and aims to reveal valuable insights and perspectives which might help loved ones navigate their way through the range of experiences, emotions and challenges – once again demonstrating that breast cancer is more than a lump.

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