Lynne Buckley
It was so surreal, but I just knew I had cancer. I was pregnant, I had a 3-year-old and a 9-month-old at home, and I was only 33 years old!
I went into my work as a teacher and muddled my way through the next three days. On Friday, we went back for results. I had stage 1 DCIS.
A week later I had a lumpectomy and sentinel node dissection. We returned for the results to be told that they had found a tumor in my lymph glands and I had stage 3 grade 3 triple negative aggressive breast cancer. I needed chemotherapy, more surgery to clear margins
and radiation.
I started Chemo in April at 26 weeks pregnant, had 4 rounds of AC followed by 12 Taxol. I stopped Chemo after 3 Taxol to have my baby boy. I was induced and Adam arrived on the 28th of July absolutely perfect. I returned to Chemo only two weeks later.

Once active treatment is over, there is an illusion that everything returns to normal, but I felt like I had just come out of the tumble dryer and couldn’t straighten myself out. I am now two years cancer free. My hair has grown back, and my confidence is returning. I realized just how strong a person I am, I am so appreciative of life and all the love and support I have around me.
I certainly was not fully aware of how-to self-check and thought it couldn’t possibly happen to me. It did! I am passionate about raising awareness and supporting charities like Breast Cancer Ireland who raise vital funds for advances in research and awareness.