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The final novel from the amazing & creative author
Emma Hannigan (1972-2018)


With Emma’s first anniversary of her passing looming, her final novel is available on 28th February 2019 – “The Gift of Friends” is a beautiful story about fractured families, unconditional love and the importance of friendship.

CEO of Breast Cancer Ireland, Aisling Hurley, says,
“Our memories of Emma are so vivid. Her final book, The Gift of Friends, epitomises who she was – a woman full of life, love and sparkle who held friendships very dear. Her energy and commitment to research spur us on every day, and we pledge to honour Emma’s legacy. We continue to raise significant funds to speed up research discovery times and ultimately affect better treatment outcomes for patients, thereby changing the landscape of this disease into the future.”

Emma’s desire was to fund research into new and more effective therapies. If you wish to help make a difference you can DONATE NOW or text CURE to make a €4 donation to 50300*

* 100% of your donation goes to Breast Cancer Ireland across most network operators. Some operators apply VAT which means that a minimum of €3.25 will go to Breast Cancer Ireland. Service Provider: LIKECHARITY. Helpline: 076 680 5278

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