Nicola Turley

“Having been diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 33, I know the important role of Breast Cancer Ireland, and the incredible work they are doing in raising funds to advance Breast Cancer research,” says Nicola Turley.
Nicola is aware that continued awareness amongst all age groups is essential, and also that without the ongoing research conducted through Breast Cancer Ireland and The Royal College of Surgeons, women like her – having successfully come through the troubling journey – wouldn’t have the opportunity to talk about their experience.
“With no family history of breast cancer, I didn’t tick any of the boxes you would normally associate with the disease. On finding a lump, I acted immediately. In the hope that it will help women of all ages to become more vigilant in doing regular breast checks, I am now happy to share my story. Knowing what is normal for them is very important, so if you are not sure how to conduct breast self-examination then check out the Self Breast Exam video on this website. Should you notice anything, even the smallest change, you have to take steps immediately by going to your GP to have it checked out.”
Following a full mastectomy and diep flap reconstruction (a technique of post-mastectomy restoration), Nicola says she is doing great and enjoying the important things in life in the company of “my husband Paul and our daughter, Emelie.”