Give the Gift of Time.

Give the Gift of Love.


Give the Gift of Time


The Gift of Time focuses on the central theme of giving the precious gift of time to those patients sadly impacted directly by breast cancer, and in particular metastatic diagnoses, through the funding of world class research into new therapies and treatments for the disease. Every cent of the funds raised through this campaign will be channeled into funding additional laboratory time, affording our Breast Cancer Ireland funded research teams the time needed to continue in their ground-breaking research into a possible cure for this sometimes fatal disease.


Thank you for giving the gift of time.

Lauren Magee

Lauren Magee

Lauren was just 15 yr old when both of her parents were diagnosed with breast cancer. At 25, Lauren became the head of the household looking after her siblings. She’s doing great and wishes they had more “time” as a family

P. Mc Clean

Paula Mc Clean

Paula was diagnosed with breast cancer 11 years ago. Paula was given the gift of time from cutting edge research. Donate now to give our researchers the gift of time.

Aisling Hurley

Aisling Hurley has over 35 years of experience in the non-profit sector. Having established BCI in 2012, BCI has raised over €27 M from the public both from individual and corporate support. Aisling and her team need “time” to continue raising funds to invest in research and clinical trials so that they can change the landscape positively for patients into the future.

Kim Clack Whelan

Kim Clack Whelan

Kim was diagnosed at 36 years old. Kims biggest worry is she wouldn’t be here to see her children grow up. Give I’m the gift of time to spend with her family and loved ones.

Ann Eble

Ann Eble

Dublin born Ann Eble, was 48 yr old when she was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer for the first time in 2003. New drug treatments then helped her recover well. Then in 2016 breast cancer came knocking on her door once again, a different subtype breast cancer. Once again Ann underwent surgery and treatment and she thanks the research “time” spent developing newer and more effective treatments that have given her back her quality of life

Lauren Magee

Prof. Arnie Hill

Professor Hill is Chairman of Breast Cancer Ireland, Professor and Chair of Surgery in RCSI, Beaumont and Head of the School of Medicine, RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences. Prof Hill leads an amazing research team who seek, with “time” to transform breast cancer into a treatable illness long term.