Kim Clack Whelan
Kim was diagnosed at 36 years old. Kims biggest worry is she wouldn’t be here to see her children grow up. Give Kim the gift of time to spend with her family and loved ones.
Kim Clack Whelan
In early November of 2021, my then 2-year-old daughter Lily was jumping on my bed and landed on my left breast with her elbow. She took my breath away. 5 days later in the shower I found a lump on my left breast. I went to see my GP the following day who referred me for a mammogram. 3 weeks later I went in for my appointment on my own because of covid restrictions. I had a mammogram, ultrasound and biopsies done at St. Vincent’s University Hospital. I had a few mammograms done as they couldn’t get the area properly. I knew then there was something wrong. Everyone who came in after me had already left and I was still there.
So, two weeks later on the 2nd of December, myself and my husband Jason went in to get the results of my biopsies. Even though I already knew what it was going to be it was still so surreal that it was happening to me. I am only 36 years of age. So, to be told I have Stage 2B breast and lymph node cancer (HER2+++) was just mind blowing for me.
All I could think of was my twins JJ and Lily who would have been a little over 2 years of age and my 4 step sons Nathan 17, Sam 15, Luke 12 and Max 10 thinking would I be around to see them grow up, go to college, get married etc.
My doctor, Dr McCartan went through all the stages of what was going to be happening. 6 rounds of chemotherapy (Taxotere and Carboplatin) and immunotherapy (Trastuzumab and Pertuzumab) then surgery then 10 more rounds of immunotherapy then maybe radiation (still to be decided). I started my first chemotherapy and immunotherapy on the 21st of December, I was so sick after it that I ended up in hospital on New Year’s Day. That course of treatment is now over thankfully.
My husband has been my rock through this. He picks me up when I’m down, he wipes away my tears when I’m crying, and he always puts a smile on my face. Our families and friends have been amazing too through all of this.
I really hope this time next year I will be looking back at all of this and thinking how I got through it all, but that it can be done and I will do it, I will fight till the end.