Will you get behind our Chairman as he undertakes a 670km cycle to raise funds for Breast Cancer Ireland?

Best known for his expertise within the operating theatre, Professor Arnie Hill, Professor of Surgery at Beaumont Hospital, and our very own Chairman is now gearing up to conquer a different kind of challenge – a gruelling 670km cycle from Mizen Head to Malin Head over the June bank holiday, as part of the Nissan Mizen to Malin fundraising cycle organized by Kilmacud Crokes Glenalbyn in Stillorgan, Dublin 18.
Setting aside his surgical scrubs for the moment, Prof Hill will not only push his physical limits, but is also aiming (alongside 75 other hardy cyclists) to raise significant funds for our ongoing pioneering research programmes, by cycling for the countless lives that could potentially be saved through continuing advancements in research and treatment.
This is the sixth time this challenge has been undertaken by the club and the numbers of eager participants continues to grow, with an incredible €636k having been raised over the course of the last five events.
Speaking about the upcoming challenge, Prof Hill said
“Events such as this are a hugely important source of funding for Breast Cancer Ireland. This year, for the first time, I’ve decided to swap my scrubs for cycling shorts and join in the challenge, and hopefully help raise funds for world class research into this disease, new treatments and personalized therapies. I’ve done sections of the route previously – but not the full route, so am hoping for some good weather – and more importantly the stamina to make it to the finish line!”
To personally support Prof Hill in this incredible challenge, simply make your donation